சனி, 20 பிப்ரவரி, 2010


MFC 1.0 introduced these classes:



File Services:



Windows Support:


3.4. MFC 2.0
MFC 2.0 was a 16-bit release that shipped with Visual C++ 1.0. It
added the Document/View framework on top of MFC 1.0 and also added OLE
1.0 classes, message maps and common dialog classes. This was a
16-bit release released on 02/93

MFC 2.0 introduced these classes:



[Note CModalDialog was nuked and functionality moved to CDialog, you
can still see a #define CModalDialog CDialog in the header files]
CDialog [not introduced here, but revamped to be a base for common dlgs]

Windows Support:
[Just new derivatives of CButton/CEdit and VBX class.]

Document Architecture:
CWinApp [Moved in hierarchy, use to be derived from CObject]


Control Bars:

OLE 1.0 Classes:


3.5. MFC 2.1
MFC 2.1 shipped with Visual C++ 1.1 for NT, it was basically a Win32
port of MFC 2.0. It was a 32-bit release that was released on

MFC 2.1 did not introduce any new classes.


3.6. MFC 2.5
MFC 2.5 shipped with Visual C++ 1.5. It introduced the OLE 2 and ODBC
classes. It was the last 'official' 16-bit release.

Released in 12/93

MFC 2.5 introduced these classes:

General: [OLE and DB related]

Exceptions: [OLE and DB exceptions]

Files: [New OLE File support]

Dialogs: [New OLE Dialogs]

Windows Support: [Some OLE additions]

Document Architecture: [Significant classes added for OLE here.]

Views: [New view for DB support]

ODBC/Database Classes:


3.6.1. MFC 2.51
A point release to 2.5 (16-bit) that was a bug fix release. Shipped
with MSVC 2.0 in 9/94 with MFC 3.0 (32-bit).


3.6.2. MFC 2.52
A point release to 2.5 (16-bit) that added some of the MFC 3.0
features such as property sheets, Winsock and MAPI support.
Shipped with MSVC 2.1 in 1/95 with MFC 3.1 (32-bit).

NOTE: This is only available via the MSVC Subscription.

Classes added in 2.52:

[Note that MAPI support was added to CDocument, no new classes]


3.6.3. MFC 2.52b
[Excerpt from the 2.52b rel notes]
Visual C++ 1.52b includes the industry-standard Microsoft
Foundation Class Library (MFC) version 2.52b. Besides classes for OLE
and database, this version includes classes for OLE control

Bugs Fixed in Visual C++ 1.52b

Visual C++ 1.52b fixes a number of bugs from Visual C++ 1.5. Of
particular interest to most developers are the following bug fixes:

MFC 2.52b

Error L2025 occurred on CWnd::DoDataExchange.
This bug has been corrected. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article
Q120152 for more information.

CArchive::ReadObject sometimes caused an assertion in a CPtrArray
object because CPtrArray can hold a maximum object size of 16K in a
large memory model application. CArchive did not take the memory model
into account; since CArchive enforced a 32K limit, objects of 32K
could be written but an assertion was generated if CArchive read in
more than 16K.
This bug has been corrected.

There was a memory leak in 16-bit AUX_DATA.

The three pens used in the class CPropertySheet were leaking. See
Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q128604 for more information.

The CArchive buffer pointer could wrap around the end of a segment unintentionally.
This bug has been corrected.

If AfxSockInit failed, applications sometimes produced a General
Protection Fault.
This bug has been corrected. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article
Q130653 for more information.

The MAPISendMail dialog did not stay modal.
This bug has been corrected.

Source file DLGPROP.CPP had non-near data. This could prevent
applications from being able to run multi-instance.
This bug has been corrected.


3.7. MFC 3.0
MFC 3.0 shipped with Visual C++ 2.0 in 9/94. It introduced docking
toolbars, property sheets and template based collection classes. This
was the first release in the MSVC subscription, it was a 32-bit release.

Classes added in MFC 3.0:

Tabbed Dialog Support:


3.8. MFC 3.1
MFC 3.1 shipped with Visual C++ 2.1 in 1/95. It introduced MAPI,
WinSock and Windows Common Controls. The MFC toolbar, status bar,
etc.. still live in MFC. This is the latest release out. It is a
32-bit release.

NOTE: Only available via MSVC subscription.

Classes added in MFC 3.1:

[Note that MAPI support was added to CDocument, no new classes]

Windows Common Controls Classes: [All of these are CWnd derived]

WinSock Support:

3.9. MFC 3.2
MFC 3.2 shipped with Visual C++ 2.2 via the subscription in
mid/late July. It is a 32-bit release. Includes a 2.52b 16-bit
release update.

[here's an excerpt from the release notes]

Support for Windows Common Controls in USRDLLs. In order to use the
MFC Windows Common Control classes you must link in the appropriate
static libraries, as shown in the following table:

Library Target
DAFXCC.LIB Release version
DAFXCCD.LIB Debug version
DAFXCCU.LIB Release Unicode version
DAFXCCUD.LIB Debug Unicode version

Updated MFC Common Control classes that work with those controls
that have been recently released in Windows NT 3.51 and those that
will be available in Windows 95 and a future version of Win32s.

Improved common control documentation that is more complete and
reflects changes since the first implementation.

New MFC sample applications
NOTEPAD + Notepad+ is an enhanced version of Notepad. The
enhancements are mainly from questions our customers
have been asking.

SAVER Saver is a screen saver written using MFC. It
"morphs" the text "MFC" to the text "C++".

OLEVIEW The OLEVIEW sample is very similar to the OLE2VIEW.EXE
applet provided in \MSVC20\BIN. The sample illustrates
how to implement OLE Object viewers through custom OLE
interfaces. These custom interfaces are implemented in

BATCH BATCH is an MDI application that lets you compress
different AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) files in
different ways.

WORDPAD WORDPAD illustrates use of the CRichEditCtrl and
CRichEditView classes, which encapsulate the new Rich
Edit common control.

These samples are located in the SAMPLES\MFC directory of your
Visual C++ installation.

Updated Win32 SDK components
With the release of Windows NT 3.51 and the upcoming release of
Windows 95, the Win32 SDK has been updated to support both of these
operating systems. Changes include new header files, new import
libraries, and additional documentation. Visual C++ 2.2 includes the
latest header files, import libraries and Win32 API documentation to
support writing Windows NT- and Windows 95-compatible applications.


3.10. MFC 4.0
Rumor has it that MFC 4.0 will be part of MSVC 4.0 (they are finally
going to get the numbers in synch) to ship shortly after Windows 95
ships (9/95). The MFC status bar, toolbars, property dialog and
other UI classes will be rewritten to use the Windows 95 common
controls. There will be other Windows 95 enhancements as well and much
better OLE control support too! Just heard that there will be some
new database classes based on the Jet Engine and
something called message reflection, so you can stop messages from
bouncing up to parents if you want to grab them all.

Classes added in MFC 4.0:
CShellNew - Windows 95

**NOTE: This has not been released yet, MFC 3.2/MSVC 2.2 is the latest
release with MFC 4.0/VC++ 4.0 due out in September.


3.11. Table of MFC releases
** Hint, MFC releases are always MSVC release - 1. This is because MFC
1.0 came out with MS C 7.

MFC Rel MSVC Release 16 or 32 bit Notes
1.0 16 Just thin Windows coverage
2.0 1.0 16 Document/Views added
2.1 1.1 for NT 32 First 32-bit release for NT
2.5 1.5 16 OLE/ODBC, last 16-bit release
2.51 2.0 16 Bug fixes.
2.52 2.1 16 Adds prop sheets to 2.5
2.52b 2.2 16 Shipped in July '95, bug fixes
3.0 2.0 32 Property sheets, dock toolbars
3.1 2.1 32 Winsock/MAPI, Win commcntrls
3.2 2.2 32 Shipped in July '95, more commcntrls
4.0 4.0 32 Not out yet, Win 95, OLE Control container


4. Generic Class Questions

4.1. CException - Exceptions and exception handling.

4.1.1. How do I throw a CUserException derived exception?
When I try to catch a derived exception I get the following error:
error C2039: 'classCMyException' : is not a member of
'CMyException' 'classCMyException' : undeclared identifier
'IsKindOf' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int*' to 'const
struct CRuntimeClass*'

You need to make your CMyException class dynamically creatable
using the DECLARE_DYNAMIC() and IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC() macros. The
CATCH macro expects to be able to access run-time information about
the thrown class.
-blaszczak@bix.com, Mike B, 6/5/95, comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.misc


5. GDI Class Questions

5.1. CDC

5.1.1. How do I create a CDC from a HDC?
Sometimes the Windows API will just give you a handle to a DC and
you might want to create a CDC from that. On example is
owner-drawn lists, combos and buttons. You will receive a draw
item message with a hDC. Here's some code to turn that hdc into
the more familiar CDC.

void MyODList::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItem)


//Do more stuff here

//If you don't detach, it will get deleted and windows will
//not be happy if you delete it's dc..

You can use this technique for any of the other MFC class/ Windows
handle pairs too.

Another approach is to call the CDC FromHandle method:

CDC * pDC = CDC:FromHandle(lpDrawItem->hDC);

It's not clear which is 'better', FromHandle is less error prone
because you do not have to remember to 'detach'.
-jmccabe@portage1.portup.com (Jim McCabe) 6/5/95


5.2. CBitmap

5.2.1. How do I read a 256 color bitmap file from disk?

Currently, MFC does not contain direct support for reading and
displaying DIBs or BMPs. However, there are a number of sample
applications that illustrate just how to do this.

The first sample is the MFC sample application DIBLOOK. The
MULTDOCS sample uses the same source code provided by DIBLOOK to read
and display DIBs and BMPs.

Two other examples provided with Visual C++ are the SDK samples
- Question posted on comp.lang.c++, 6/5/95, found this in MS FAQ, 6/25/95


6. Window, Control, and Dialogs Class Questions

6.1. Windows

6.1.1. How can I use a custom icon for a window?
The Microsoft Foundation Class Library stores icons for the main
frame window and the MDI frame window as resources. The icon with
resource ID AFX_IDI_STD_MDIFRAME is the icon for the MDI frame
window, and the icon with resource ID AFX_IDI_STD_FRAME is the icon
for the main frame window. To replace these icons in your
application, add an icon to your resources file with the
appropriate ID.

The application specifies the icon for a view in an MDI child
window when it creates the template. The application uses the icon
with the specified resource ID when the user minimizes the MDI
child window that contains the corresponding view.

This technique allows you to specify one icon for the application
to associate with these windows. Windows also supports dynamically
painting a minimized window. To do this with MFC, use
AfxRegisterWndClass() to register a window class with a NULL icon
handle. Override the PreCreateWindow() function in the window class
for the dynamically painted icon and copy the name returned by
AfxRegisterWndClass() into the lpszClassName member of the
CREATESTRUCT. This creates the window using the class that has a
NULL icon. When the user minimizes this window, the icon receives
WM_PAINT messages that it can process to display information
appropriately. To do so, override the OnPaint() message handler and
call the IsIconic() function to see if the window is minimized. If
so, create a CPaintDC object and use it to draw on the icon. If the
window is not minimized, call the base class version of OnPaint()
to update the window normally.
-MSVC Knowledge Base 6/4/94


6.1.2. How do I change the styles for a window that's created by MFC?
To change the default window attributes used by a framework
application created in AppWizard, override the window's
PreCreateWindow() virtual member function. PreCreateWindow()
allows an application to access the creation process normally
processed internally by the CDocTemplate class. The framework
calls PreCreateWindow() just prior to creating the window. By
modifying the CREATESTRUCT structure parameter to
PreCreateWindow(), your application can change the attributes
used to create the window.

The CTRLBARS sample application, provided with the Microsoft
Foundation Class Library version 2.0, demonstrates this
technique to change window attributes. Note that depending on
what your application changes in PreCreateWindow(), it may be
necessary to call the base class implementation.

For more information, see MSVC knowledge base article Q99847.
-MSVC Knowledge Base 6/7/95


6.1.3. How do I get the minimal size of a window using MFC?
Write a handler for WM_GETMINMAXINFO.
-blaszczak@BIX.com, Mike Blaszczak, 6/12/95 via programmer.misc


6.1.4. How do I change a Window's title?
AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->SetWindowText("My Window Title");
AfxGetMainWnd()->SetWindowText ( "My Own Title" ) ;
-aj536@freenet.toronto.on.ca, mfc-l, 7/9/95


6.1.5. How do I get rid of 'Untitled' in my main window caption?
Override the PreCreateWindow function in your MainFrame class and
do the following in it..
cs.style &= ~FWS_ADDTOTITLE ;

You can also set the initial window position (cs.x, cs.y, cs.cx,
cs.cy) this way and change your class (cs.lpszClass) this way!

Remember to call CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow at the end...
-netninja@svpal.org, programmer.misc, 7/29/95


6.1.6. How do I maximize my MDI child?

void CMainFrame::ActivateFrame(int nCmdShow)
if (!m_bActivated) {
m_bActivated = TRUE;

where m_bActivated is a member variable of your frame object.
-duane@anasazi.com, programmer.win32, 8/3/95


6.1.7. Why does focus go nutso with a CSplitterWnd?
<<< Whenever I move the splitter bar, the I-beam cursor in my edit
control goes away. I have to click again in the edit control to get
back the cursor.>>>

The following Knowledge Base Article (GO MSKB on CIS) explains the
focus problem associated with splitter windows and a couple of
work-arounds to the problem. This may be of help to you.

ID: Q108434
FIX: CSplitterWnd Class Does Not Handle All Focus Cases

-Ramesh, NetQuest., MSMFC, 8/3/95


6.2. Controls

6.2.1. How do I get a CControl from a Dialog Template?
You can get a pointer to a control from a already created dialog
control by doing a simple typecast of the results from GetDlgItem.
Here's an example that creates a CButton from a checkbox with ID

void my_function(CDialog * pDialog)

CButton * pButton = (CButton *)pDialog->GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK1);

ASSERT(pButton != NULL);

Note that it's always safer to check for the validity of the
results from GetDlgItem.
-scot_wingo@msn.com, 6/1/95


6.2.2. How do I subclass a control using MFC?
Read the documentation on SubClassDlgItem. Here's an example of
how to call it:

BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
//Do your subclassing first.
m_MyControl.SubClassDlgItem(ID_MYCONTROL, this);

//Let the base class do its thing.

// Perhaps do some more stuff

// Be sure to call Ctl3d last, or it will cause
// assertions from multiple subclassing.

Ctl3dSubclassDlg(m_hWnd, CTL3D_ALL);
-Mike Williams, mikew@marlin.ssnet.com, mfc-l 6/1/95


6.2.3. Why do I get an ASSERT when I subclass a control?
Make sure that you subclass the control BEFORE you call
Ctl3dSubclassDlg, if the 3-d control DLL is loaded first, it will
already have subclassed your controls and you will get an assert.
- Mike Williams, mikew@marlin.ssnet.com, mfc-l 6/1/95


6.2.4. How do I validate the contents of a control when it loses focus?
NOTE: This is in the Microsoft Software Library.

The FCSVAL sample application was created to show how an
application can do control-by-control validation in a dialog box.

The application itself is just a modal dialog box displayed by the
CWinApp::InitInstance(). After displaying the dialog box,
InitInstance() simply quits the application.

The important part of the sample takes place in the dialog-box
class implementation: There are two edit controls. The first takes
input of an integer between 1 and 20. The second takes a character
string as input with length less than or equal to 5. When you Tab or
mouse-click from control to control within the displayed dialog box,
the contents of the control that is losing focus are validated.

The CFocusDlg Class

The application's functionality centers around the CFocusDlg class
and its implementation of four message handlers (discussed below).
Normal data exchange (DDX) and validation (DDV) using the routines
provided by MFC take place in OnInitialUpdate(), when the dialog box
is first displayed, and when the user chooses the OK button to accept
the input. This is default behavior provided by ClassWizard when
member variables are connected to dialog-box controls and can be
examined in the dialog class DoDataExchange() function.

Validating control contents when switching focus from one control
to the next is done by handling the EN_KILLFOCUS notification sent by
the edit control that is losing focus. The idea here is to check the
contents and, if they are not valid, to display the message box,
inform the user, and then set the focus back to the control from which
it came. Unfortunately, some difficulties arise when trying to set the
focus (or display the message boxes) within a killfocus message
handler. At this point, Windows is in an indeterminate state as it is
moving focus from one control to the other. This is a bad place to do
the validation and SetFocus() call.

The solution here is to post a user-defined message to the dialog
box (parent) and do the validation and SetFocus() there, thus waiting
for a safer time to do the work. (See "CFocusDlg::OnEditLostFocus()"
in the file FOCUSDLG.CPP and "WM_EDITLOSTFOCUS user-defined message"
in the file FOCUSDLG.H.)

Another thing you will notice about this function is that it uses
TRY/CATCH to do the validation. The provided DDX/DDV routines throw
CUserExceptions when failing to validate or load a control's data. You
should catch these and do the SetFocus() in the CATCH block.

Note: This sample has other cool stuff, but this is the major one
I've seen asked about on the net.
-MS FAQ, 6/25/95


6.2.5. How do I enable/disable a bank of checkboxes?
I don't know about a magic way to do this using a single HWND, but there
is a simple and self-documenting technique that I've been using for a
long time. You can make a routine that accepts an array of UINTs (your
control IDs) and a visibility flag.

This function can be a stand-alone function, or you can put it inside a
class. I have been collecting little utility functions like this and keep
them in a CDialogBase class -- when I create a new dialog box in ClassWizard,
I fix up the code to derive from CDialogBase instead of CDialog.

For example, the function might look like this:

void CDialogBase::ShowControls(UINT* pControls, UINT cControls, BOOL fVisible)
for (UINT uIndex = 0; uIndex < cControls; uIndex++)
CWnd* pwnd = GetDlgItem(pControls[uIndex]);
if (pwnd)
pwnd->ShowWindow(fVisible ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE);

Then later, often in your OnInitDialog handler, you can call this
function with your control group:

#define SIZEOF_ARRAY(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
static UINT aGroup1[] = { DLG_CHBOX1, DLG_CHBOX2, DLG_STATIC1 };
static UINT aGroup2[] = { DLG_LABEL2, DLG_LABEL7 };

ShowControls(aGroup1, SIZEOF_ARRAY(aGroup1), TRUE);
ShowControls(aGroup2, SIZEOF_ARRAY(aGroup2), FALSE);

You can find many uses for these control arrays later too...
(Changing fonts in a series of controls, etc...) Good luck,
-jmccabe@portage1.portup.com, mfc-l, 7/18/95


6.2.6. How do I change the background color of a control?
Your dialog can trap the WM_CTLCOLOR message, look up the MFC help
file notes for CWnd::OnCtlColor(). Before a control is about to paint
itself, the parent window receives a chance to set its own default
text color and background brush.
-jmccabe@portage1.portup.com, mfc-l, 7/18/95

Also check out the MS KB article ID: Q117778
TITLE: Changing the Background Color of an MFC Edit Control
-Ramesh, MSMFC, 7/19/95


6.2.7. How do I trap the key for my control?
Handle WM_GETDLGCODE and return the appropriate value. Remember that
the listbox (or any other control) can only handle keyboard input when
it has the focus.
-joej@golddisk.com, programmer.misc, 8/21/95, programmer.misc


6.2.8. How can I DDX with a multiple selection listbox?
Download MLBDDX.ZIP from the MSMFC library on CIS. You'll get all
the necessary code. When the dialog closes, a provided CStringList
will be filled with the selected items. Freeware.
-Patrick Philippot, CIS email, 8/3/95


6.2.9. How do I change the background color of a BUTTON???


If you want to change the color of a dialog button, you have to use
owner-draw button. (you can use bitmap buttons) Changing the color
through OnCtlColor() will not work for buttons.

The following Knowledge Base articles (GO MSKB on CIS) may be of help to you.

ID: Q32685
TITLE: Using the WM_CTLCOLOR Message

ID: Q64328
SAMPLE: Owner-Draw: 3-D Push Button Made from Bitmaps with Text

This article explains sample code for a owner-draw button.
-Ramesh, NetQuest., MSMFC, 8/3/95


6.2.10. Why isn't CEdit putting things on separate lines?
Make sure that the lines are separated with \r\n, not just \n.
-sutor@watson.ibm.com, mfc-l, 8/7/95


6.2.11. How do I get to the CEdit in a combobox?
CComboCox combo;
CEdit edit;

// combobox creation ...
// ...

POINT tmpPoint = {1,1};
edit.SubclassWindow( combo.ChildWindowFromPoint(tmpPoint)->GetSafeHwnd());
-jahans@slb.com, mfc-l, 8/25/95


6.3. Dialogs

6.3.1. How do I center my dialog?
Use the CWnd::CenterWindow method accomplish this. I usually put
it in my OnInitDialog overloaded function. Since CDialog is an
ancestor of CWnd, you can call the method directly->

BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
//Perform any other dialog initialization up here.


return TRUE;
- scot_wingo@msn.com, 6/1/95.


6.3.2. How do I get the 'old style' common dialogs on win95?
MFC detects if it is running on Win95, and if so, replaces the
standard FileOpen Dialog with an explorer version of the FileOpen
Dialog. You can prevent MFC from using this "explorer" version by
adding the following line to your CFileDialog derived class
constructor: m_ofn.Flags &= ~OFN_EXPLORER;
-andyd@andyne.on.ca (Andy DeWolfe), via programmer.win32, 5/10/95


6.3.3. How do I subclass a win95 common dialog?
You can do it but Microsoft has made it much more difficult in
Win95. You need to create a "child dialog template" (with the
WS_CHILD style) and set it to m_ofn.lpTemplateName (making sure
m_ofn.hInstance is set to your app instance). This template must
*only* contain the controls that you are adding to the dialog (ie. NOT
the whole dialog with the standard controls duplicated as in Win3.x).

When the dialog is invoked, your template will appear (by default)
below the regular file dialog controls. If you put a static control
with id stc32 (defined in include\dlgs.h), the common dialog code will
rearrange things so that the original controls will appear wherever
your put the stc32 control (you don't have to size it to match - the
common dlg code will do that for you).

You will need to supply m_ofn.lpfnHook and handle your additional
controls through the hook proc. Note that since the system puts your
dialog template ON TOP of the normal dialog, MFC message routing won't
get to your controls so you can't code them through a message map in
your CFileDialog derivative. If anybody has found a way around this,
I'd love to hear it!!

This is very messy and Microsoft knows it. They promise a fix in
MFC 4.0.
-joej@golddisk.com, Joe Janakovic, via programmer.win32, 6/10/95


6.3.4. CDialog::Create fails, what could be wrong?
- Invalid HWND passed as a parent
- Invalid dialog resource ID passed (be careful about numeric IDs
vs. string IDs -- be careful with #define ID_MYDIALOG 0x1234 -- it is
a "string" ID to the resource compiler).
- one or more controls on your dialog could not be created, usually
because of the use of a custom control that was not registered.
- calling EndDialog during the OnInitDialog message (or some other
handler called early in the game)!
- NULL HWND passed as parent when dialog has WS_CHILD style

That's about all I can think of right now,
-Dean McCrory, MSMFC, 6/16/95


6.3.5. How do I create a toolbar/statusbar in a dialog?
There's a sample in the Microsoft Software Library, DLGCBR, that
demonstrates how to do this.

Basically there's four steps, outlined and then coded below->

To add a control bar to a dialog, you must create the control bar
as usual, and then make room for the control bar within the client
area of the dialog. For the control bar to function properly, the
dialog must duplicate some of the functionality of frame windows. If
you want ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handlers to work for the control bars,
you also need to derive new control bar classes, and handle the
WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI message. If your dialog is not the main window of
your application, you will also need to modify its parent frame window
to pass the WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI message on to the dialog's control

To make room for a control bar within the client area of the dialog,
follow these steps in your dialog's OnInitDialog() function:
1. Create the control bars.
2. Figure out how much room the control bars will take by using the
reposQuery option of RepositionBars():

CRect rcClientStart;
CRect rcClientNow;
0, reposQuery, rcClientNow);

3. Move all the controls in your dialog to account for space used
by control bars at the top or left of the client area. If your dialog
contains a menu, you also need to account for the space used by the

CPoint ptOffset(rcClientStart.left - rcClientNow.left,
rcClientStart.top - rcClientNow.top);
ptOffset.y += ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU);

CRect rcChild;
CWnd* pwndChild = GetWindow(GW_CHILD);
while (pwndChild) {
pwndChild->MoveWindow(rcChild, FALSE);
pwndChild = pwndChild->GetNextWindow();

4. Increase the dialog window dimensions by the amount of space used
by the control bars:

CRect rcWindow;
rcWindow.right += rcClientStart.Width() - rcClientNow.Width();
rcWindow.bottom += rcClientStart.Height() - rcClientNow.Height();
MoveWindow(rcWindow, FALSE);

5. Position the control bars using RepositionBars().

To update the first pane of a status bar with menu item text, you
your dialog class. You need to duplicate the functionality of the
CFrameWnd handlers for these messages. See the CModelessMain class in
the sample program for examples of these message handlers.

To allow ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handlers to work for other status bar
panes and for toolbar buttons, you must derive new control bar classes
and implement a message handler for WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI. This is
necessary because the default control bar implementations of
OnUpdateCmdUI() assume the parent window is a frame window. However,
it doesn't do anything but pass the parent window pointer on to a
function which only requires a CCmdTarget pointer. Therefore, you can
temporarily tell OnUpdateCmdUI() that the parent window pointer you
are giving it is a CFrameWnd pointer to meet the compiler
requirements. Here's an example:

LRESULT CDlgToolBar::OnIdleUpdateCmdUI(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
if (IsWindowVisible()) {
CFrameWnd* pParent = (CFrameWnd*)GetParent();
if (pParent)
OnUpdateCmdUI(pParent, (BOOL)wParam);
return 0L;

To pass WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI messages on to dialogs other than the
main window, save dialog pointers in your frame window class and
create a WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI handler in that class. The handler should
send the WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI message on to the dialog child windows by
using CWnd::SendMessageToDescendants(). Then perform default
processing for the message within the frame window.
-MS FAQ 6/25/95


6.3.6. Why isn't my CDialog::PreCreateWindow getting called?
PreCreateWindow does not get called when you create a dialog box.
If you would like to init some data/controls for a dialog box you have
to trap the OnInitDialog message and do you stuff there.
PreCreateWindow is use to modify params for a window that you are
-ewalker@tezcat.com, mfc-l, 7/12/95


6.3.7. How do I embed a common dialog in a property page?
This question comes up frequently on the "MFC" forum of CompuServe
and the simple answer - unfortunately - is that there is no way to do
it :-(
-chris@chrism.demon.co.uk, programmer.win32, 7/12/95


6.3.8. Why can't I DDX/DDV to initialize my CDialog controls?
You can't do anything with the dialog controls until your dialog is
created - which doesn't happen until DoModal(). The standard way of
overcoming the problems is to create member variables for the data,
initialise them before calling DoModal and then transfer the values
in OnInitDialog. Or perhaps in UpdateData(). Much like the
ClassWizard member variables does it.

So have your dialog include a CStringList or CStringArray, put the
values for the listbox in that and transfer them to the listbox in
OnInitDialog. [etc...]
-null@diku.dk, programmer.controls, 7/11/95

Init your dialog in OnInitDialog. If neccessary pass a pointer to
your document to the constructor of your dialog (and save it in a
private/protected m_pDoc member).
-jhasling@gascad.co.at, programmer.controls, 7/11/95


6.3.9. How do I change the captions of a CPropertyPage?

You can change the label before adding the page to the property sheet
in the following way.

You have to derive a class from CPropertyPage and add a public function
SetCaption which sets the caption.

void CPage1::SetCaption(char *str)
m_strCaption = str; // m_strCaption is protected member of

Now you can us the SetCaption() function in the following way.

CMySheet my("My PropSheet");
CPage1 p1;
p1.SetCaption(str); // Setting the caption

CAnotherSheet newps("New Sheet");
CPage1 p2;
-Ramesh, NetQuest., MSMFC 8/3/95


6.3.10. How do I trap F1 in my dialog?
The following Knowledge Base Article explains a way to trap the
WM_KEYDOWN messages in the dialog box.

ID: Q117563, TITLE: How to Trap WM_KEYDOWN Messages in a CDialog

The next article explains how to provide context sensitive help in
a dialog. It also points to sample code.

ID: Q110506, SAMPLE: Context Sensitive Help in a CDialog

-Ramesh, NetQuest., MSMFC, 8/31/95


6.4. Control bars, status bars, toolbars, dialog bars.

6.4.1. How do I add a combobox to my toolbar?
You can do this using the CToolBar::SetButtonInfo method.
The MFC sample ctrlbars shows how to do this. Basically you call
SetButtonInfo with the resource ID of your combobox. You might
want to throw some separators in there too.
-scot_wingo@msn.com, 6/1/95


6.4.2. How do I update the text of a pane in a status bar?
By default, a CStatusBar pane is not enabled when the pane is
created. To activate a pane, you must call the
ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI() macro for each pane on the status bar and
update the panes. Because panes do not send WM_COMMAND messages,
you cannot use ClassWizard to activate panes; you must type the
code manually. For example, suppose one pane has ID_INDICATOR_PAGE
as its identifier and that it contains the current page number in a
document. To make the ID_INDICATOR_PAGE pane display text, add the
following to a header file (probably the MAINFRM.H file):

afx_msg void OnUpdatePage(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);

Add the following to the application message map:


Add the following to a source code file (probably MAINFRM.CPP):

void CMainFrame::OnUpdatePage(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)


To display text in the panes, either call SetPaneText() or call
CCmdUI::SetText() in the OnUpdate() function. For example, you
might want to set up an integer variable m_nPage that contains the
current page number. Then, the OnUpdatePage() function might read
as follows:

void CMainFrame::OnUpdatePage(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
char szPage[16];
wsprintf((LPSTR)szPage, "Page %d", m_nPage);


This technique causes the page number to appear in the pane during
idle processing in the same manner that the application updates
other indicators.
- MSVC Knowledge Base 6/4/94


6.4.3. How do I make my CToolBar customizable at run-time?
You might consider reading article "CToolBarCtrl :Handling
Customization Notifications" in the Product Documentation of VC++

Here is the relevant extract :
"A Windows toolbar common control has built-in customization
features, including a system-defined customization dialog box, which
allow the user to insert, delete, or rearrange toolbar buttons. The
application determines whether the customization features are
available and controls the extent to which the user can customize the
toolbar. These customization features are available in the
CToolBarCtrl class but not in the current CToolBar class.

You can make these customization features available to the user by
giving the toolbar the CCS_ADJUSTABLE style. The customization
features allow the user to drag a button to a new position or to
remove a button by dragging it off the toolbar. In addition, the user
can double-click the toolbar to display the Customize Toolbar dialog
box, which allows the user to add, delete, and rearrange toolbar
buttons. The application can display the dialog box by using the
Customize member function."

- R.Rajendran (NetQuest), 76041.2245@compuserve.com,
MSMFC Forum, May-9-95

If you want to make a standard MFC CToolbar customizable, you can
download CUSBAR.ZIP from the MSMFC library on Compuserve. This
package implements CCustomTolbar, the run-time customizable toolbar
and also provides the necessary user tools (customization dialog
box including the code for a bitmapped listbox). Freeware.
-Patrick Philippot, 8/3/95 via email on CSERVE


6.4.4. How do I turn off the toolbar or status bar?
You can turn the status bar off in any of your views (i.e. in the
OnViewStatusBar() method you describe above) with the following code:

if( ((CMainFrame*)GetParent())->m_wndToolBar.IsWindowVisible() )
GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR, 0L);
if( ((CMainFrame*)GetParent())->m_wndStatusBar.IsWindowVisible() )
GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, ID_VIEW_STATUS_BAR, 0L);

Use 1L instead of 0L for the SendMessage's lParam to turn the bars on.
-JKBenjamin@aol.com via mfc-l, 5/16/95


6.4.5. How do I create a toolbar/statusbar in a dialog?
See section 6.3.5. of this FAQ


6.5. Menus


6.5.1. How do I get a pointer to the menu bar in a MDI app?
Q>I'm writing a MDI application and I have problems to get a pointer to the
actual menu bar. The normal construction doesn't seem to work in MDI:

CMenu *menu;
menu = GetMenu()->GetSubMenu(0);

How can I get a pointer to the menu bar to update the menu?

A> AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->GetMenu()->GetSubMenu(n)
-mlinar@pollux.usc.edu, Mitch Mlinar, 6/8/95


6.5.2. How do I implement a right-mouse popup-menu?
// WM_RBUTTONDOWN handler.
// Trap this message and display the button properties popup menu.
// The main frame receives the popup menu messages. This allows the
// status bar to be updated with the help text.
void CAppButton::OnRButtonDown(UINT flags, CPoint point)

CMenu menu;
CMenu *submenu;

// load the menu

// get the popup menu
submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(0);

// convert to screen coordinates

// post the menu

-johnm@unipalm.co.uk, programmer.win32, 7/12/95


6.5.3. How do I dynamically change the mainframe menu?
CMenu newMenu;
newMenu.LoadMenu (IDR_MENU1);
AfxGetMainWnd()->SetMenu( &newMenu );
newMenu.Detach ();
-Arun Rao, MSMFC, 6/27/95


6.5.4. How do I 'attach' a menu to a window's creation/destruction?
{Note the original question talked about dialogs, but you can
interpolate this code to any kind of window that you want to have
change the menu.}

One of the ways to do this is as follows -

1. Declare a variable CMenu pNewMenu in one of the dialog class.
2. Handle the WM_INITDIALOG and WM_CLOSE messages in the
dialog class as follows.
3. BOOL CMydlg::OnInitDialog()

// Load the IDR_MYFRAME menu
pNewMenu = new CMenu;
// Set the mainframe menu to mainframe.
((CMainFrame *)AfxGetMainWnd())->SetMenu(pNewMenu);

return TRUE;
void CMydlg::OnClose()
// Detach the previous HMenu handle from the object.
// Restore the mainframe menu.
((CMainFrame *)AfxGetMainWnd())->SetMenu(pNewMenu);
4. If there are other methods of closing the dialog (example-
By clicking a button in the Dialog), then The code given
above in OnClose handler, must be put in the button click
-Sanjeev Kumar, MSMFC, 6/23/95


6.6. Windows Common Controls (a.k.a. Windows 95 controls)


6.6.1. Can I use these controls under NT or Win32s?
Windows NT 3.50 does not support the common controls, and will not
in the future. You must use Windows NT version 3.51 to gain the
common controls.
-blaszczak@BIX.com, mfc-l, 7/6/95

Version 1.30 of Win32s supports the Common controls.

6.6.2. Where's a demo of this wickedly cool controls?
Check out the MFC sample, fire, it features most of the controls in
action: MSVC20\samples\mfc\fire.
-scot_wingo@msn.com, 7/27/95

6.6.3. How do you handle NM_DBLCLK for a CListCtl?

void CListView::OnDblClick(NMHDR* /*k*/, LRESULT* /*j*/)
int nItem, nFlags;
char szTest[80];

nItem = m_ListCtrl->GetNextItem(-1, nFlags );
if ( nItem != -1 )
sprintf( szTest, "Selected Item %d", nItem);
-spolyak@interaccess.com, mfc-l, 7/21/95


7. Documents, Views and Frame Class Questions



7.1.1. How do I size a view?
Normally, you can change the size of a window by calling
MoveWindow(). In an application developed with the Microsoft
Foundation Class (MFC) Library, the view window is a child window of
the frame window that surrounds the view. To change the size of the
view window, retrieve a pointer to the frame window of the view by
calling GetParentFrame(), then call MoveWindow() to change the size of
the parent. When the parent frame window changes size, it
automatically changes the size of the view window to fit in the parent
-MSVC Knowledge Base. 6/4/94


7.1.2. How do I size a CFormView?
See MS Knowledge Base article Q98598 for a very long answer.
Basically, you need to override OnInitialUpdate() in a CFormView
derived class. There's other details to deriving from CFormView
that the article goes into.
-MSVC Knowledge Base. 6/7/95

In the view ClikethisView declaration:
virtual void OnInitialUpdate();

In the ClikethisView code:

void ClikethisView::OnInitialUpdate()
// make the window the size of the main dialog
ResizeParentToFit( /*FALSE*/ );
-andyr@gate.net, programmer.misc, 8/11/95


7.1.3. How do I use new views with a doc template?
In an application created with AppWizard, you have two options:
change the derivation of the current view, or create a new view
and use the new view in your MDI application along with the
original view.

To create a new view, use ClassWizard to create a new class
derived from CView. After the class has been created, the steps
to use the new view or to modify the view provided by App
Wizard are the same.

1. Modify the header file for the view class to change all
references to CView to the name of the desired view class.
In this example, the class is derived from CScrollView.
Usually, this step involves changing the class the view
class is derived from as follows:

class CMyView : public CScrollView

2. Modify the implementation file for the view class to change
all references to CView to the name of the desired view
class. This involves changing the IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE line
as follows:


changing the BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP as follows:


and changing any other references to CView to CScrollView.

3. No further modifications are required if you are modifying a
view created by App Wizard. If you create a new view, find
the AddDocTemplate() call in the CWinApp::InitInstance()
function. The third parameter to AddDocTemplate() is
RUNTIME_CLASS(CSomeView). To replace the current view with
the new view class, change CSomeView to CMyView. In an MDI
application, you can use multiple view types by adding a
second AddDocTemplate() call that changes

For more information, please see Knowledge Base article Q99562.
-MSVC Knowledge Base 6/7/95


7.1.4. How do I change the background color of a view?
To change the background color for a CView, CFrameWnd, or CWnd
object, process the WM_ERASEBKGND message. The following code shows how:

BOOL CSampleView::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
// Set brush to desired background color
CBrush backBrush(RGB(255, 128, 128));

// Save old brush
CBrush* pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&backBrush);

CRect rect;
pDC->GetClipBox(&rect); // Erase the area needed

pDC->PatBlt(rect.left, rect.top, rect.Width(),
rect.Height(), PATCOPY);
return TRUE;


7.1.5. How do I get the current View?
The best thing to do is to pass the view along as a parameter.
If this is impractical, you can get the view if you KNOW, that it is
the currently active document and the currently active view. For
details, see Microsoft KB, article Q108587, "Get Current CDocument or
CView from Anywhere". In brief, use


to get the document and the view. It might be a good idea to wrap them
in static functions in your CMyDoc and CMyView and check that they are
of the correct RUNTIME_CLASS.

If the view isn't the currently active view or if you can run OLE
in-place, this won't work however.
-null@diku.dk, Niels Ull Jacobsen, programmer.misc, 6/8/95


7.1.6. How do I create multiple views on one document?
The CDocTemplate::CreateNewFrame() function creates additional
views of a document in an MDI application written with MFC.

To call this function, specify a pointer to a CDocument object (the
document for which the function will create a view) and a pointer to a
frame window that has the properties to duplicate. Typically, the
second parameter of this function is NULL.

When an application calls CreateNewFrame(), the function creates a
new frame window and a view in the frame window. The frame window type
and view type depend on the document template (CDocTemplate)
associated with the document specified in the CreateNewFrame() call.

The CHKBOOK MFC sample application that ships with Visual C++ also
demonstrates creating additional frames and views for documents.
Check out CHKBOOK.CPP, the CChkBookApp::OpenDocumentfile() function.

Another example of using CreateNewFrame() is the MULTVIEW sample
application. Also, Dale Rogerson's article, "Multiple Views for a
Single Document" located on the Microsoft Developer Network
Development Library CD-ROM, which explains in detail how to add
additional views to an existing document, is an excellent source of

CreateNewFrame() creates both a frame and a view; not only a view.
If, for some reason, CreateNewFrame() does not quite address your
situation, the source code for CreateNewFrame() is quite useful to
demonstrate the steps required to create frames and views.
-MS FAQ with mods, 6/25/95


7.1.7. How do I get all the views in an MDI app?
You need to use some functions which are undocumented:

CDocument::GetFirstViewPosition(); // DOCCORE.CPP
CDocument::GetNextView(); // DOCCORE.CPP
CMultiDocTemplate::GetFirstDocPosition(); // DOCMULTI.CPP
CMultiDocTemplate::GetNextDoc(); // DOCMULTI.CPP

You'll also need to mess with the m_templateList member of CWinApp.
-blaszczak@Bix.com, mfc-l, 7/11/95


7.1.8. How do I make a CScrollView "mouse scrollable"?
Download AUTOSV.LZH from the MSMFC library on CIS. This code shows
you how to implement a secondary message loop taking care of the
mouse activity. Hooks are provided to customize the code. Freeware.
-Patrick Philippot, CIS email, 8/3/95


7.2. Documents

7.2.1. Do I have to use the Document/View architecture?
MFC does not force you to use document/views. Check out hello,
mdi, and helloapp samples, they don't use it at all. Most MFC
features can be used in non-document/view applications. You do
lose features like print preview and of many OLE features when you
don't go document/view.
-scot_wingo@msn.com 6/7/95


7.2.2. How do I get the current Document?
See section 7.1.5. for the details.


7.2.3. When are documents destroyed?
In SDI applications, the document is deleted when the application
exits. In MDI applications, the document is deleted when the last
view on the document is closed. To help keep your document SDI/MDI
compatible, you should delete the document's data in the virtual
DeleteContents() function, not in the destructor.
-Richard Hazenberg, drmcode@euronet.nl, programmer.misc, 6/24/95


7.2.4. How do I create multiple documents?
To add support for additional document types, you can create and
register additional CMultiDocTemplate objects with your CWinApp
derived object. This technique is illustrated in the MULTDOCS sample
application. The general steps needed to add an additional document
type to an MFC application are listed below:

1. Use AppWizard to create a new document class and a new view class.
2. Use the Resource Editor to add a new resource string to support
the new document class. For more information on the format of the
document template string resource, see the topic How to Interpret a
Document Template String.
3. Use the Resource Editor to add an additional icon and menu
resource to the application. Note, the ID for each of these resources
needs to be the same ID as the resource ID used for the document
template string created in step 2. This ID is used by the
CMultiDocTemplate class to identify the resources associated with the
additional document type.
4. In the applications InitInstance() function, create another
CMultiDocTemplate object and register it with the
CWinApp::AddDocTemplate() function. For example:

CMultiDocTemplate* pDocTemplate2 = new CMultiDocTemplate(

5. And finally, add the custom serialization and painting code to
your new document and view classes.
-MS FAQ, 6/25/95


7.2.5. How do I get a list of open documents?
The code below demonstrates how to retrieve a list of pointers to
all CDocuments that were created using a CDocTemplate object.

In the code below, CMyApp is derived from CWinApp. The variable
m_templateList is a CPtrList object that is a member of CWinApp, and
it contains a list of pointers to all of the document templates
(CDocTemplates). The CDocTemplate functions GetFirstDocPosition() and
GetNextDoc() are used to iterate through the list of documents for
each document template.

Sample Code

void CMyApp::GetDocumentList(CObList * pDocList)

POSITION pos = m_templateList.GetHeadPosition();

while (pos){
CDocTemplate* pTemplate =
POSITION pos2 = pTemplate->GetFirstDocPosition();
while (pos2) {
CDocument * pDocument;
if ((pDocument=pTemplate->GetNextDoc(pos2)) != NULL)

There are two public member functions of the CDocTemplate class that
are not documented in the reference manual or the online help.
However, these are public member functions defined in the CDocTemplate
class and provide simple functionality for traversing the list of open
documents. These functions operate as follows:

Function: virtual POSITION GetFirstDocPosition() const;

Remarks: Call this function to get the position of the first
document in the list of open documents associated with
the template.
Return Value: A POSITION value that can be used for iteration with
the GetNextDoc member function.

Function: virtual CDocument* GetNextDoc(POSITION& rPosition) const;
rPosition: A reference to a POSITION value returned by a previous
call to the GetNextDoc or GetFirstDocPosition member
function. This value must not be NULL.

Remarks: Call this function to iterate through all of the
document template's open documents. The function
returns the document identified by rPosition and then
sets rPosition to the POSITION value of the next
document in the list. If the retrieved document is the
last in the list, then rPosition is set to NULL.

Return Value: A pointer to the view identified by rPosition.
-MS FAQ, 6/25/95


8. OLE Class Questions

8.1. Structured Storage/Compound Files

8.1.1. When I upgraded, I could not read my files generated by
the old version of MFC. What do I do?
There may be an easier way, but here is how I did it:

Use VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA and GetObjectSchema to identify the version.
If old version, then it is stored in OLE 1.0 format. To read this
format, first read a WORD and a CString (type and name info). Next is
the OLE data itself (the hard part). Use the following steps:

1) use StgCreateDocfile to create a temporary Compound File.

2) use OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorage to copy the data to the Compound
file, converting to OLE 2 format.

3) call OleLoad using the IStorage to get an IUnknown pointer, then call
QueryInterface to set the COleClientItem::m_lpObject member, and set
m_nDrawAspect to DVASPECT_CONTENT.

4) release the IUnknown pointer and the IStorage pointer

5) The OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorage code requires an OLESTREAM
implementation. Copy the code from MSVC 1.0 MFC code.

This actually works. Theres some issues with messing with the schema
parameter, and I have not implemented writing OLE 1/MFC files.

Code available on request.
-ronjones@xnet.com, Ron Jones, via programmer.tools, 5/9/95

8.2. OLE Controls (previously called OCX's)

8.2.1. What is an OLE control?
OLE controls are the 32-bit successor to 16-bit VBX controls.
Instead of being stored in a plain DLL and having functional
interfaces, OLE controls rely on OLE automation. Hopefully this
will make the interface more flexible and easier to use than VBXs.
-scot_wingo@msn.com, 6/25/95


8.2.2. How do I write OLE controls?
In VC++ 2.x, Microsoft released the CDK (OLE control developer
kit), you use that kit and it's tools to write OLE controls.
-scot_wingo@msn.com, 6/25/95


8.2.3. What versions of MFC support OLE control containment?
To clarify the situation:

VC++ 2.x can create OCX controls.
VC++ 2.x does NOT yet have built-in "OCX container" support. That will
be added in VC++ 4, due out this autumn. The only popular application
I'm aware of which currently supports OCXs (albeit in only a limited
way) is Access 2.

The problem is that obviously the place you want OCX container support in
MFC is in classes like "CDialog" and (possibly) "CWnd" or "CView". As I'm
sure you know, OCX controls have to implement a LARGE number of OLE2
interfaces, which makes the support code large.

At present, OLE2 support in MFC happens in the "CCmdTarget" class, which
is the base class from which ALL "application architecture" classes are
derived. I guess the choice is to extend the OLE2 support in this class
to include OCX support (which would make ALL apps using OLE2 a LOT larger),
or to add OCX-specific support to certain specific classes such as
CDialog. Either way, it's a major undertaking!

-Chris Marriott, chris@chrism.demon.co.uk, programmer.tools, 6/24/95

TODO: Find out more about OLE control limitations/support in 4.0


9. WOSA Class Questions

9.1. CRecordSet

9.1.1. When I add a CRecordSet class, I get tons of linker errors..

If you haven't told the AppWizard to use Database Support when you
created your project, the AppWizard doesn't include the database
headers. If you add "#include " in your stdafx.h,
CRecordSet will be "legalized".
Then open the Linker Options window and add the library: "odbc".
This avoids tons of linker errors.
-bessler@highland.swb.de (Wolfgang Bessler) 06/05/95, comp.lang.c++


9.2. WinSock

9.2.1. I'm having problems with CSocket blocking, what's up?
I've worked around this by creating a dialog box that I pop up after
calling Connect()... ie:

CMySocket MySocket;
CDummyDlg DummyDialog;

This suspends the thread until MySocket sends a WM_CLOSE message to

I'd rather it look like:


But that stops all processing of MySocket.

-Cynthia Jennings (idlewild@is.net), programmer.win32, 6/19/95

TODO: Find better answer.


10. DLL and Build Questions

If you have questions about extension and user DLLs, be sure to read
technical notes 11 and 33. Volume 2 of the documentation has more
info too. Finally, try searching on the sample names dllhusk
(extension DLL) and dlltrace (user DLL) in books on-line.


10.1. Do I need a CWinApp object in a DLL?
The Microsoft Foundation Class Library supports two types of DLLs:
_USRDLL and _AFXDLL. The _USRDLL model requires one CWinApp object
to perform the initialization and cleanup of the Microsoft
Foundation Class Library Windows classes that the DLL uses. This
requirement is described in MFC Tech Note 11; the DLLTRACE sample
demonstrates a _USRDLL that contains a CWinApp object.

An _AFXDLL does not require a CWinApp object. Because it shares the
Microsoft Foundation Class Library classes with the application, it
does not require a CWinApp to provide initialization and cleanup.
Instead, an _AFXDLL requires a special version of LibMain() and a
DLL initialization function.
-MSVC Knowledge Base 6/4/95


10.2. How should I define the WEP in a MFC DLL?
In a dynamic-link library (DLL) built with Microsoft Foundation
Class Library version 2.0, the _USRDLL model uses the WEP()
(Windows exit procedure) function provided in the C run-time
library. Because the code uses the C library WEP() function,
the destructors for static and global objects in the DLL are
called and the CWinApp::ExitInstance() function for the DLL
application object is called.

See MSVC Knowledge Base article Q98374 and Tech notes 11 and 33.
-MSVC Knowledge Base 6/7/95


10.3. How do I build an 'extension DLL'?

1. When you're building a 32-bit extension DLL, define _AFXEXT on the
compiler command line. If you look in AFXVER_.H, you'll see that this forces
_AFXDLL to also be defined. So an "AFXEXT" DLL is an AFXDLL.

2. When _AFXDLL is defined, AfxGetResourceHandle returns a value stored in
MFC's global data, which is shared by the EXE, the extension DLL and the MFC
DLL. The handle returned identifies the module which will be searched first
when looking for a resource.
(See the source code for AfxFindResourceHandle() if you're curious about the
order of the search.)

3. Strictly speaking, what we need to load a resource is a module handle
rather than an instance handle. (Instances share modules --- e.g., code and
resources --- but have different data.) A DLL has a module handle which is
distinct from the handle of the EXE.

4. You can use ::GetModuleHandle to get the handle for your DLL, then pass it
to AfxSetResourceHandle so that your DLL is the first place searched for
resources. But note that this removes the EXE module from of modules
searched. You'll probably want to save a copy of the handle returned by
AfxGetResourceHandle before calling AfxSetResourceHandle, then restore it
once you're done loading the DLL resource.
-Charlie Kester, Microsoft Developer Support, MSMFC, 7/19/95


10.4. How can I manage resources in a resource only DLL and still
benefit from ClassWizard?

The following text is available as RESDLL.ZIP in the MSMFC library
on Compuserve (applies to MSVC20):

How to manage an MFC project storing its resources into a resource-only DLL

Software localization is much easier when your project stores its
resources in a resource-only DLL. There area also many situations
where storing the project's resources in a DLL can be a good idea.

However, if this project is an MFC project, doing so will generate
a major drawback: you will not benefit from the Class Wizard
capabilities any longer because the resources will be managed in a
separate project.

However, there's a trick that you can use to develop your project
as if it were a standard project while being able to quickly switch
to the resource-only DLL model. Here's how to proceed:

1. Create your project as usual using AppWizard (we'll name it TEST).

2. Close the project and create a new DLL project in the same
directory (call it RESDLL). When you click on the Create button,
VC++ opens the Add file dialog. Take this opportunity to add the
resource file of the previous project (TEST.RC) to this new project.

3. Before being able to compile the resources of the TEST project
as a resource-only DLL, you must add the /NOENTRY option to the
linker. Unfortunately, the settings dialog box of VC++ doesn't
allow to do that in a simple way:

3.1 Select Project|Settings from the man menu.
3.2 Click on the Link tab.
3.3 Select General from the category combobox.
3.4 In the Object/Library Modules field, remove all references to
any .LIB file (they are useless) and add /NOENTRY. This
option should then appear in the Common Options display area.
3.5 Click OK and compile. You now have a DLL containing only the
resources for your project.

4. Do not open the TEST.MAK project. Instead, copy TEST.MAK to
TEST_RES.MAK in your project directory.

5. Open TEST_RES.MAK and remove TEST.RC from the project files.

6. Select Project|Settings, click on the General tab and add
"USE_RESDLL" to the list of Preprocessor Definitions.

7. Open TEST.H and modify the class declaration of CTestApp this way:


virtual int ExitInstance();

8. Open TEST.CPP and modify CTestApp::InitInstance as follows.
Also, add the newly declared ExitInstance member function:

BOOL CTestApp::InitInstance()
// Standard initialization
// If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
// of your final executable, you should remove from the following
// the specific initialization routines you do not need.

if ((m_hInstDLL = LoadLibrary("resdll.dll")) == NULL)
return FALSE; // failed to load the localized resources
AfxSetResourceHandle(m_hInstDLL); // get resources from the DLL

int CTestApp::ExitInstance()
return CWinApp::ExitInstance();

9. Compile. TEST_RES.EXE should work very nicely, loading its
resources from the DLL.

10. Close the project and open TEST.MAK. Compile. TEST.EXE shoudl
also work very well but this time, the resources are loaded from the
.EXE file because you had not defined USE_RESDLL in this version of
the project.

BEWARE: when switching from one model to another, you must either
Rebuild All

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